Marketing Tips & Tricks

Marketing Key Learnings

Why Do a Postmortem

In the world of marketing a postmortem is conducted after an event, a promotion, new initiatives, etc., and is essentially a recap of the event, the key learnings, and how/if you would execute it again in the future.

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S.M.A.R.T. Goals

I love a plan. I love planning. I love executing a plan. Like Hannibal from the A-Team, “I love it when a plan comes together.”

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Marketing Budget Planning

Let’s Talk Money!

Or at least let’s start the conversation with marketing budgets.

Over here at MAP Solutions Group we believe that marketing has one purpose for a business – increase the bottom line.

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Industry Jargon

Industry Jargon

Fun Fact: One of our biggest marketing pet peeves is when people/companies use industry jargon to communicate with their clients and it’s killing their business.

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Six Things Your Customers Need To Know

This free download gives you six easy steps to help increase your conversions.