Why Do a Postmortem

Marketing Key Learnings

Let’s talk about postmortems and the importance of conducting them for your business.  What is a postmortem? The dictionary definition is- after death.  In the world of marketing, a postmortem is conducted after an event, a promotion, new initiatives, etc. are finished. Essentially, it’s a recap of the event, the key learnings, how/if you would execute it again in the future, and the ROI (return on investment).

Here are examples of what should be included:

  • Name
  • Dates
  • Investment
  • Revenue
  • Number attended/redeemed
  • How was it promoted
  • Highlights
  • Lowlights
  • Would you do it again
  • What you would do next time
  • What you wouldn’t do next time
  • Any other important details that should be included

The categories will vary depending on what the postmortem is for. An event might include the number of staff members that worked and which days were most successful. A promotion might include what method was used to redeem it.

It’s important to complete a postmortem within a few days of the event/promo ends, so that everything is still fresh in your mind.

In six months or a year down the road, it will be difficult to remember the details. Having a detailed postmortem to reference will make your life easier and your next go around even more successful!

MAP Solutions Group can help strategize and plan your upcoming special offers, promotions and events.  Email us hello@mapsolutionsgroup.com or call 475-201-7200.

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