Planning - Tips & Tricks

Brand on Brand

Is Your Brand on Brand?

Sometimes we get so busy doing, we forget to take a step back and look at the business as a whole- beyond accounting and marketing plans. We neglect to take the time to really evaluate the product and services, who the demographic is and then to compare to see if everything, including initiatives, is aligned. 

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Marketing Key Learnings

Why Do a Postmortem

In the world of marketing a postmortem is conducted after an event, a promotion, new initiatives, etc., and is essentially a recap of the event, the key learnings, and how/if you would execute it again in the future.

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S.M.A.R.T. Goals

I love a plan. I love planning. I love executing a plan. Like Hannibal from the A-Team, “I love it when a plan comes together.”

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Brand on Brand

Is Your Brand on Brand?

Sometimes we get so busy doing, we forget to take a step back and look at the business as a whole- beyond accounting and marketing plans. We neglect to take the time to really evaluate the product and services, who the demographic is and then to compare to see if everything, including initiatives, is aligned. 

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Marketing Key Learnings

Why Do a Postmortem

In the world of marketing a postmortem is conducted after an event, a promotion, new initiatives, etc., and is essentially a recap of the event, the key learnings, and how/if you would execute it again in the future.

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S.M.A.R.T. Goals

I love a plan. I love planning. I love executing a plan. Like Hannibal from the A-Team, “I love it when a plan comes together.”

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