Happy National Selfie Day! Yes, it has its own holiday! (Of course, we’re using it for content- newsletter, blog and social media posts and you should too! If you missed our blog about using holidays for social media content- read it here.)
We work with a wide variety of clients and have found that where a person falls on the generational divide tends to influence their reaction to the word Selfie. The ends of the spectrum being, “Yaaaaaaassss, let’s!” down to the audible groan of dread.
Selfies are HUGE for social media content. They allow people, your potential customers, to get to know you and more importantly to feel connected to you. We buy from and work with people we trust. In today’s marketplace, people want to know who they’re working with. Many reels and videos are just long-form animated selfies.
We encourage our clients to use selfies/images featuring their face. We’ve shown them the analytics that their selfies (or pics/ videos with their face) are repeatedly the highest performing content.
So go ahead and post that selfie today!
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