Holidays Can Help Your Social Media Content

Social Holidays

The beginning of the year brings about a LOT of planning- marketing plans, media plans, budgets, and of course social media.

Our social media planning process is to create a 12-month calendar and add all of the holidays that are relative to our business.  This includes traditional national holidays and quirky holidays like National Fun at Work Day (Friday, January 28th), not to be confused with International Fun at Work Day (Friday, April 1st).

These holidays are great fillers to bolster your content calendar.  There is one caveat – make sure that the holiday is relevant to your business and even more importantly to your followers.

If you have a dog walking business, skip February 9th Toothache Day, but definitely post on National Puppy Day, March 23rd.

Sharing favorite business books is a favorite.  Compliments of the holidays below there are four different dates to share the books (that’s four days of content).

World Book Day, April 23rd
Book Lovers Day, August 9th
Read a Book Day, September 6th
National Author’s Day, November 1st

Also, holidays come with hashtags, using them can help to increase your posts’ visibility.

An easy website to navigate for these holidays is .

If you’re struggling for content ideas, finding the time to execute your social media, or just want an awesome strategy- we can help!  Email us at or call 475-201-7200.

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