Save 20% on Consulting & Coaching

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We’re so excited!  MAP Solutions Group has been doing its marketing thing- helping small and medium size businesses have kick-ass marketing and grow for five years!  And by grow we mean- in 2022 a client’s revenue grew by 150%!  Now those are results!

To celebrate we have a special offer for you- 20% off Coaching and Consulting Services!

Here are a few Q&A’s to answer questions you may have…..

What type of business would benefit from this package?
Any business that would like marketing direction from an expert with over 20 years of hands-on experience, an MBA in Marketing, and proven results, without having to pay the executive salary and benefits package.

When do I need to make a decision by?
All packages must be paid in full by March 31, 2023 to receive the promotional rate.

What if I don’t have time to start the package until September?
No problem.  The package is valid for one year from the purchase date. Purchase it now, so you don’t miss out on this fantastic offer!

Do you run discount offers like this a lot?
Nope. Never have. Might never again.  But we’re so excited to be celebrating five years, we wanted to share it with you and discounted services seemed so much more beneficial than branded post-it notes.

Is there a minimum number of hours that can be purchased?
Yes, the packages are available in five-hour increments; making 5 hours the minimum.

5 Hours   = $400 ($100 Savings)
10 Hours = $800 ($200 Savings)
15 Hours = $1,200 ($300 Savings)
20 Hours = $1,600 ($400 Savings)

Who will I be working with?
 All consulting is done one-on-one with Monique (our Founder/CEO) via phone or video conference.

I’m interested…what are my next steps?
Easy-peasy lemon squeezy – just email ( and tell us that you’re interested in this offer and we’ll be in-touch.

Also, if you have additional questions drop us a line at and we’ll be in touch.

We look forward to helping you elevate your business!

**This offer is no longer valid.**

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