Planning Holiday Promotions

Plan for the holidays blog graphic. Phone Reminders

Now is the time to start thinking about the holidays and more specifically your holiday promotions.

That sales-boosting weekend of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday is less than 8 weeks away….but let’s not forget that those promotions/specials/sales, need to be promoted a few weeks in advance. In addition to any other offers you have during the holiday season. It’s time to not just plan, but also to start executing.

If you’re unsure about what to offer consider…

  • A discount on a service or product – Save 15%
  • A bonus offer – Buy X and get Y
  • Promote Gift Certificates- with a special offer

This is also a great time to feature items and services that need more exposure and awareness; and to deep discount that inventory that just hasn’t been moving.

Flush out the details and get started….

  • What the promotions is (discount, BOGO, etc.)
  • Valid Dates
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Promotional Material – this includes social media
  • Website Updates
  • Marketing/Advertising Promotion Plan
  • POS (point of sale system) loaded and tested

If you already have it handled – kudos to you!

If not, I hope this helps with your planning and promotions. Let us know if you need more help  email us at

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